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Dekoh's amputation due to osteosarcoma journey

Happy 10th Birthday


HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! This would have been your 10th birthday today and it was a great day for you as I know you are at the bridge playing with everybody, what a great day.

I thought I would go to our most favorite area today and visit you where I spread some of your ashes, which I know you know but just saying. Anyway it was a nice day and was great to see your area again. I really miss you every single day of my life, I see you walking with me still. I can sit here telling you how much I miss and love you but I know you already know that. I just want you to know that you will never be forgotten.

I want to give you a little video I made while I was sitting next to your ash grave, I know you were watching me today while I was hiking but I just want you to have this video to watch when you want. I am really trying to get past so I can move on with life but it has been really hard to do that. I know you want me to move on and I know you are watching over me as we will be together one day.




  1. Super Stu!

    Happy Birthday to you darling Angel Dekoh! Your Dad gives such beautiful tributes to you. Your spirit will be kept alive forever!

    Petra, Stewie and his Pride Of Kittens xxx

  2. benny55

    Dekoh, we all know how much your Daddy loves you. This i beautiful tribute he made ro you today is a reminder of, not only how very, very loved you , but also you are held deeply in his heart every moment kf every day.! We know that you know that. We know you are NEVER forgotten, but ALWAYS REMEMBERED!

    Dekoh touched so many lives in so many differe t ways. I know everyone in your neighborhood where you took him for walks srill smile everytime they think of him showing off his Halloween outfits. I thought of you this Halloween Dekoh. I really did!

    I also love scuba diving and, believe it or not, a memory of you enjoying all your swims crossed my mind sometimes too! I know your Dad named you after a scuba term “deco”. See Dekoah, we all fell in love with you and these little remembrances are just a few of the ways you jumped into our hearts FOREVER! And we will ALWAYS remember how HAPPY you were every single moment you had with your Dad.!! You always had a SMILE and so much joy in your eyes!!

    Your Dad even chased a squirrel up a tree after you headed to the Bridge because he knew you were still “present” with him! I can only imagine how you must have laughed as your Dad did this! What a sight it must have been if anyone saw him doing this!! 🙂 🙂 The squirrel must have had quite a chuckle too!! 🙂

    Okay sweet, majestic Dekoh, you have a SPECTACULAR BIRTHDAY!! 🙂 Lots and lots of cake and ice cream at the Bridge! I’m sure you got huge bowls full of your toys and had a great swim in the cool pristine waters at the Bridge! You are certainly one of the most popular dudes at the Bridge…And here on earth too! We all ove the MAGNIFICENT DEKOH!

    Love and light
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. jerry

    Happy Birthday Dekoh! How you must be enjoying having all four legs again, running and romping with the big boys in heaven, forever free and always a puppy. We miss you too my friend. You will never, ever be forgotten in this community.

    Dekoh’s dad, if we could reach out and hug you right now oh how we would. Even a year isn’t enough to get through the day without a tear when thinking about our beloved angel dogs. There’s no set time-frame for grief and as the saying goes, the harder we love, the harder we grieve. Be good to yourself and know that this community is always here for you if you want to talk OK?

    You and Dekoh shared an unbreakable bond that will never weaken, but grow stronger over time. Your boy is always with you in those beautiful Colorado mountains and beyond.

  4. Michelle

    Happy Birthday Dekoh. I know you are enjoying running and playing and being healthy again.

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful tribute to your birthday boy. He will never be forgotten and that bond you shared will always be with you.

    Thinking of you

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  5. dobemom

    Happy belated birthday Dekoh….such a beautiful and heartfelt birthday wish from your dad. And Dad, I know just how you feel. Nitro had his first birthday at the Bridge this past Halloween. I still grieve for him everyday, but little by little, the pain is easing. It’s really one step forward, two steps back, much like our entire cancer journey was. He did send us a tiny white bundle of Westie terror (yes, that is terror, not terrier), to help heal our broken hearts. I will still break down in gut-wrenching sobs if I let myself, but I feel that is not the way I want to honor his memory. I know he would want me to feel happiness and love again, so I try. There is no timeline on grief, we all deal with it the best we can. Wishing you peace as you deal with yours.

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

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