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Dekoh's amputation due to osteosarcoma journey

Sad News

I have some sad news to share with my Tripawds community. I have been feeling kind of down the past few days but Dad just thought it was since I was in my Nadir period from my last chemo treatment. Dad had noticed several lumps/bumps showing up on my body but they do not bother me by itching or anything, just that there are a large number of them and some are getting bigger.

Anyway Dad was able to get an appointment with my Oncologists yesterday, 11/8/16, to see what these bumps/lumps were. Dad and the doctor decided to do chest Xrays since I was getting out of breath easily during my walks the past few days. The last Xray was 9/09/16 and it showed no spots or tumors in my lungs.

The Xray that was taken yesterday, 11/8/16, showed three rather large tumors that have developed in my lungs, which the doctor was very surprised with their size and how fast they came on. It has only been two months from my last Xray, but we all knew going into this fight that OSA was a very nasty and aggressive cancer.

I have been told that I have days, maybe weeks, to live. I know that Dad is devastated with this news but he understands and is very happy to have been able to spend quality time with me the past few months, as well will continue to until the day I cross the rainbow bridge.

I will make sure Dad updates everybody as time progresses for me and please know that I have appreciated all of the kind words that folks have sent to me. I know that Mom and Dad appreciate all of the support and kind words they have seen. I will continue to love life until it is time for me to move one. I want everybody to know that you should not feel sorry for me but rather help celebrate my life and if you have a pet of your own please give that pet a big hug and kiss as we do not know when our time is done.


  1. midnighter94

    Oh Dekoh ~ I think you need a steak and maybe some ice cream to celebrate the beautiful life you’ve had. I’m so very sorry that you have to say good-bye to your parents. You’ve been such a good boy. You can eat all of the pumpkin that you want at the Rainbow Bridge!
    Hugs and Kisses!
    Donna & Murphy

  2. benny55

    Nope, not the news anyone wants to here.

    But Dekoh, yoy need to remind yiur humans of this:


    And those of us who have been following Deokh’s remarkable journey can attest that he is ABSOLUTELY THE MOST LOVED AND SPOILED DOG IN THE WORLD!! Every single post showed LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!

    Continue to do exactly as you are doing , savor every treasured second! Continue to make happy memories WITH LOTS OF PHOTOS!! Live in the NOW, just like Dekoh!! LET NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, ROB YOU OF YIUR TIME TOGETHER!!

    And I’m not sure you could possibly spoil Dekoh anymore , but you CAN give him lots more treats and “forbidden” foods…lots of cheese pizza, ice cream, cupcakes and Twinkies and Oreos!!

    Yes indeedy, we shall continue to celebrate our Magnificent Dekoh with gratitude for all the hearts he touches, all those he inspires and for all the joyful smiles he brings us all!

    Looking forward to hearing about all the ways you are continuing to fill Dekoh’s bucket list…..with pictures!!

    Love and hugs to all!
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    PS….A Rottie Hero named Sassy had mets after her third chemo (or maybe second). Anyway, she got almost eight months of loving and spoiling after that!!

    Also, there are manyn”co fort” thi gs a Vet can domif his breathing becomes more noticeably labored….prednisone helped Happy Hannah a lot, as well as an occasional Tramadol

    Many, many dogs here have gotten great extended quality time even after mets were discovered. My Happy Hannah was one of them. She didn’t listen to the Vet when he said she had a met the size of baseball. Nope, didn’t mean a thing to her!

    Yeah, like Dekoh she tired easier, but that wasn’t painful. It just meant she got more time for snuggles and tummy rubs in the sofa! She got more time for sunbathing.

    Quite frankly Dekoh, since walking a lot as a tripawd can be tiresome anyway, you may enjoy lounging around as a couch potato as that won’t tire you out at all!

  3. benny55

    Ooops…so ehow I screwed my post up.p a d it’s all out of context. I apparently went to add something and forgot to go back to wherever it was I was typing. Anyway, my explanation makes no sense! The e context got out of whack…hopefully it still makes sense!!

  4. linda8115

    I’m so sorry to hear this news. Try to take one day at a time and live it fully and joyfully because that is what Dekoh will be doing. You may get much more time than you think so make each day matter. Dekoh is loved so totally and fully by your family and that’s what is important in Dekohs life. Hugs!

  5. mysweetted

    I’m so sorry to read this. It is obvious by your posts how much you love love love Dekoh. It is heartbreaking. My Sweet Ted had the same “discovery” a week ago and I am heartbroken – despite the fact that I knew the amp was not a cure. He is still bouncing. He has very short walks these days but they are so joyful for him that it helps him bounce. I hope that you get more than days/weeks with your sweet Dekoh and I am hoping for more than that from my sweet Ted. You are in my thoughts.

  6. otisandtess

    As others note, mets (and statistics) do not necessarily mean much when you are speaking about an individual dog. Keep enjoying your time together. Be outside, play, cuddle, eat cheeseburgers (that’s how Otis handled the news that he had mets – cheeseburgers). If walking is too hard, take shorter walks, ride in a wagon or just sit in the grass. Live each day to the fullest! The entire Tripawds family will be thinking of you!

  7. Deb

    Dekoh you are a brave soul. You are facing the inevitable with great strength and character. An example for all of us to follow. May your days be filled with lots of love, great joy and peace in your heart. Love on Dad, he needs your strength right now. He loves you a lot. Talk to him. Help him know when you are ready to cross the bridge. Pawrents really struggle with the “when” you know. We are not as strong as you are. Lots of love. Paw5 from Bandit who will meet you on the otherside. Blessings to all. Deb

  8. hester

    Dekoh, I am surely sad for you and for your dear Dad to hear this unwelcome news. And I sincerely hope that you will have more good quality time together than might be anticipated. Know that you are a champion, though, a warrior. Every day that you have had together since the original diagnosis has been lived fully and that is to be cherished.

    My Pofi’s journey ended much more suddenly than any of us, including his doctors, had expected, but like you, he embraced it all.

    Sending waves of love to you both.

    Lisa and Angel Pofi

  9. jerry

    Dekoh, I’m so sorry. Those damn mets. They are such an awful surprise when we get the news, I know how hurt your people must feel. I know that you will show them how to make the most of Every. Single. Day. And remember, there are no time stamps, even with news like this. Keep on keeping on, and let us know if you have any questions whatsoever.

    We send our love and are thinking of you my friend. Hope you’re having fun on those wheels of yours.

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