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Dekoh's Drei Destination

Dekoh's amputation due to osteosarcoma journey

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One Year Thoughts

Dear Dekoh,

One year ago today we started our tripawd journey together. I woke up this morning remembering what was going through my mind concerning the decision to help you feel better and hoping you would still be with this time this year. I have cried tears of sadness and joy for you over this past year. I miss you each and every day no matter what is happening and only wish you were still here with, although I know you are here in my heart.


I miss and love you everyday. I know we will be together again one day as you wait for me up there.


Love Dad

Happy Birthday Thoughts

My sweet Dekoh Boy,

Today would have been your 9th birthday and I wanted to tell you happy birthday.

I told myself that I needed to take today off from work to spend time with you in my heart and just hang out. I was going to go over to the Audubon and walk it 9 times but Mom came up with a much better idea. I chose 9 different places that were our favorite places to go to and most likely would have been where we went today had you been here with me. I know you were there with me at every stop and every step I took, telling me you were ready to go. I knew today would be a hard day for me as really everyday has been hard for me realizing you were not going to come running out from behind that one tree or running over to chase that rabbit that caught your eye. I will say that I went to our most favorite place down at the Deer Creek camp in the Mt Evans wilderness area and what did I get to see, a squirrel running up a tree. I ran over to chase that squirrel up the tree for you as I knew you were right there by my side the whole way.

I want to post some pictures I took at each stop so you can see them, even though I know you were there with me for every step I took. I want to tell you the folks at WagNWash and CRCG (pool) told me to tell you hi as they miss you very much too. I had to get a picture of Kat at WagNWash since I know you loved to torment the cats there especially Kat.

I miss you every day and so much wish you were still here with us, but I know you are with me every day looking down on me to make sure I stay safe. I hope you had a great day at the Rainbow Bridge playing with your brothers Zieg and Toby as well as your girl Kaya.



This is a picture of me walking in our neighborhood, which I know you soooooo loved to do. Stop #1.

I know you will recognize this as the Audubon. Stop #2.

As you know this is probably our most favorite spot being the Mt Evans wilderness area. We so loved to camp and we did so much hiking here it was a great time. Stop #3

I knew you would enjoy seeing all of this snow and powder that you could have run in. What a great time. Mt. Evans wilderness picture #2 for stop #3.

I know this may not have been you favorite spot but we spent so much time at DCAH it was your second home. Stop #4.

I know you loved to go to PetSmart to torment the cats in the back as well the little birdies. Stop #5.

I know you did not always enjoy getting baths but I know you enjoyed the things we did after like getting a bone to chew on. Stop #6

I just had to post Kat for you to torment :>). Stop #6

We are at your top spot at CRCG. Stop #7

Yep, here is your pool that you soooo loved to go to. Stop #7.

This is out back at Murdoch’s as I knew we had to go here to chase some rabbits. Stop #8

The last stop of the day was at the Chatfield dog park. We spent so many days here walking and just hanging out. Great times. Stop #9.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Dekoh up at the Rainbow Bridge.


Merry Christmas

Dearest Dekoh,

I wanted to say Merry Christmas to you and that we miss you very very much. We will always love you and cherish all of the Christmas mornings we spent together tearing apart wrapping paper. I hope you are having a great time at the Rainbow Bridge with Zieg and Toby opening up your presents and ripping the paper apart.

Love and miss you very much


Dekoh always enjoyed ripping apart wrapping paper. Love and miss you Dekoh, Dad.

Dekoh is enjoying some Santa time as he always did. Miss you very much, Dad.

Rest In Peace Sweet Dekoh

Rest In Peace 1/13/2008 - 11/17/2016

Rest In Peace
1/13/2008 – 11/17/2016

Dekoh Grieve 

Born: January 13, 2008

Died: November 17, 2016

Age: 8 Years, 10 months, 4 days

Dekoh was born January 13, 2008 in the Denver CO area and passed away peacefully at home on his bed November 17, 2016. Dekoh was diagnosed with Ostesarcoma (OSA) on June 17, 2016 in his left rear leg, which was amputated on June 23, 2016 to get rid of the pain. Dekoh’s pawrents decided to provide Dekoh all the tools to fight this cancer, but due to how nasty and aggressive OSA is Dekoh succumbed to this disease and was helped crossing over to the Rainbow Bridge.

Dekoh was in a litter of 11 puppies, but the mother was not producing milk shortly after birth thus causing issues to be able to tend to the puppies. Between the breeder trying to feed the puppies by hand and the mother possibly laying on a few, the litter went from 11 to 2 puppies. After a couple of days being born the breeder contacted Rottie Aid, a local Denver Rottweiler rescue organization, to come to the rescue of the two remaining puppies (sister Zoya and Dekoh) and their Mom. The rescue by Rottie Aid of the mother and two remaining puppies was very fortunate as this provided a great life for both puppies. Sad to say the Mom passed away a few days later, which later it was found she had eaten a sock that caused blockage in her intestines. Zoya, Dekoh’s sister, lives with her Mom continuing to have a loving and joyful life in the Denver area.

Dekoh enjoyed every day of his life to the fullest and greatly enjoyed his daily walks with his Dad or anybody that would take him for a walk. These walks were the corner stone to Dekoh’s life as he was able to carry his throw toy for children and adults in the neighborhood to be able to play. The people in his neighborhood meant so much to Dekoh and he was always very happy to see anybody that was outside. Anytime you would see Dekoh walking he was always carrying his bumper throw toy, if he did not have it either he had chewed it up the one he had or lost it down a stream.

There was hardly a day that Dekoh would sit still, except during the times Mom and Dad were at work which allowed Dekoh to get some much needed rest before his next adventure. Dekoh had so many adventures ranging from going to his favorite hiking spot by Bailey CO to going to NASCAR races to meet more people and make friends. It did not matter to Dekoh who you were he loved getting patted on the head and of course he would continue to drop his throw toy at your feet until you picked it up to throw it, then that opened the door to more play time.

Dekoh will be missed every day by his human family and everybody that has met him. Dekoh always left a lasting impression and was loved by anybody that met him. Dekoh was a rescue pup but I have always said that Dekoh saved me when he came into my life.

As a memorial to Dekoh, if folks are interested to help the organization that saved Dekoh, you may send a check to Rottie Aid in care of Dekoh to the following address.

Rottie Aid

PO Box 620730

Littleton, CO 80162.

NOTE: Rottie Aid is a 501C3 not-for-profit organization, so your donations are tax-deductible.

The following poems symbolizes Dekoh and his family for Dekoh has left a lasting impression on everybody who has crossed his path.


If It Should Be 

If it should be that I grow weak

And pain should keep me from my sleep;

Then you must do what must be done,

For this last battle can’t be won. 

You will be sad, I understand;

But don’t let grief then stay your hand.

For this day more than all the rest,

Your love for me must stand the test.

We’ve had so many happy years;

What is to come can hold no fears.

You don’t want me to suffer so

The time has come, please let me go.

Take me where my needs they’ll tend,

But please stay with me ‘til the end

To hold me close and speak to me

Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree,

It was a kindness done for me.

Although my tail its last has waved.

From pain and suffering I’m saved.

Please do not grieve that it was you

Who had this painful thing to do.

We’ve been so close, we two, through the years;

Don’t let your heart hold any tears. 

Author Unknown

I’m Still Here 

Friend, please don’t mourn for me

I’m still here, though you don’t see.

I’m right by your side each night and day

and within your heart I long to stay.

My body is gone but I’m always near.

I’m everything you feel, see or hear.

My spirit is free, but I’ll never depart

as long as you keep me alive in your heart.

I’ll never wander out of your sight-

I’m the brightest star on a summer night.

I’ll never be beyond your reach-

I’m the warm moist sand when you’re at the beach.

I’m the colorful leaves when fall comes around

and the pure white snow that blankets the ground.

I’m the beautiful flowers of which you’re so fond,

The clear cool water in a quiet pond.

I’m the first bright blossom you’ll see in the spring,

The first warm raindrop that April will bring.

I’m the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine,

and you’ll see that the face in the moon is mine.

When you start thinking there’s no one to love you,

you can talk to me through the Lord above you.

I’ll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees,

and you’ll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze. 

I’m the hot salty tears that flow when you weep

and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.

I’m the smile you see on a baby’s face.

Just look for me, friend, I’m everyplace ! 

Author Unknown

No More Tears 

The time has come for the tears to end

for you to be happy and cheerful again.

I am safe in God’s home above

cradled in His arms; covered with His love.

We run and play by the Bridge all day

waiting for the day when you’ll be here to stay.

You’ve been crying so much I feel bad

I want you to be happy and not so sad. 

Remember the time when I was so small

I couldn’t even pickup the rubber ball.

I fought that ball from morning to night

it made you laugh, I was quite the sight.

Remember teaching me sit and stay

We had such fun since I didn’t really obey.

but you kept at it with test after test

so when I entered my first show I was the best.

Remember the great times we had in the past

like when we walked to the park we had a blast.

We’d run and play all through the park

until the sun went down and it got dark. 

Remember the times we went for a ride

I was so excited I’d jump right inside.

Away we went to who knows where

but you and I we didn’t really care. 

I’ll always love you, you’re my best friend

I’ll be right with you even to the end.

Always remember the great times we had

and there will be no reason to ever be sad.

Author: John Quealy



Snow Time !!!

I did not think it was going to snow before I was able to enjoy it, but I got the huge surprise last Thursday, 11/17/16, with a snow storm. Dad took me out earlier in the day as well for my nightly walk. Even though I had to be in my wheelchair I was still able to greatly enjoy the snow. Dad threw some snowballs at me to catch like he always has done and I caught everyone of them. Great snow day !!!

Lovin Life !!

I got to go play in the snow today and it was great.

I got to go play in the snow today and it was great.

I talked Dad into taking me out of the wheelchair so I could lay and sit in the snow. Great times !

I talked Dad into taking me out of the wheelchair so I could lay and sit in the snow. Great times !

Mom was able to capture this picture during my walk at night. I think it is cool with Dad's foot print and my chair trails.

Mom was able to capture this picture during my walk at night. I think it is cool with Dad’s foot print and my chair trails.

This is Dad and I just past the car in the street light. Mom thought this was a cool picture and so did I.

This is Dad and I just past the car in the street light. Mom thought this was a cool picture and so did I.

This is Dad talking to me during the snow storm. Nothing new as we always went out no matter the weather.

This is Dad talking to me during the snow storm. Nothing new as we always went out no matter the weather.

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