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Dekoh's amputation due to osteosarcoma journey

Joyous 6th Angelversary Sweet Dekoh

Sweet Dekoh,

I want to wish you a joyous 6th angleversary as you run around up there with Zieg and Toby. I just know you guys are having a great time. When I woke up this morning I remember looking over to the side of the bed just hoping I would see you laying there on your bed, but when I opened my eyes the floor was empty just like my heart.

I know that I did not post for your birthday earlier this year, but as you are well aware there has been a lot of changes in my life. I had a chance to get you, Zieg and Toby a brother to watch over but that did not work out.

I want to tell you that you are on my mind every single day of the year and I think of Zieg as well as Toby with you running around looking over me. There are many days that I wish I could join you guys but I know in my heart there are more things I need to accomplish, including getting another Rottie in my life. As you know I have thought about other dogs, but my heart always goes back to you sweet Rotties, no better companion in the world.

I am trying to get myself settled in my new world so I will be able to bring home a new brother for you guys to keep an eye over and I hope it happens soon. I am so very lonely and sometimes just sit here crying because I miss all three of you guys, but I know there are brighter days on the horizon.

When I see your eyes in pictures I can see so much life and love that you gave me that it hurts, but I know we had great days right up to the second I let you go. I will be ok and I keep going because I know there will be a time that we will see each other again. I also know when I find that new puppy I will see you, Zieg and Toby in its eyes telling me that everything is ok.

I love you so very much along with Zieg and Toby as all three of you have that special place in my heart.

Love your PawDad

1 Comment

  1. jerry

    Ohh Dekoh, I can’t believe it’s been six years since you got your pretty angel wings. I still recall all the good times you shared with your dad that we had the honor of enjoying here in your blog.

    Some day I know you, Zieg, and Toby will give your dad the dog he has been waiting for. Each day you give him the incredible gift of hope for better days, and that is such a powerful thing. The stars WILL align when he least expects it.

    Many hugs & much love to you up there at the Bridge. Say hi to our Jerry and Wyatt, and all our Tripawd heroes.

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