I had a great time last night being in the middle of the annual pumpkin carving time. I have always loved being in the middle and chewing on the pumpkins as they are worked on. Enjoy some of the pictures and videos below of us having a great time.
Lovin Life

Mom and I are getting ready to carve pumpkins.

This is my pumpkin that I will get to finish carving.

I am giving Justin pointers on how to carve :>).

I am getting to finish out the top being cut out.

I get to really stick my head in to my work.

Mom and Dad get to pose with the pumpkins

Justin, Dad and I got to pose with the pumpkins. Gotta love the laser eyes.
Deion looking great there my friend. Your laser eyes are very Halloweenie for sure! You sure do live an hour xciting life there sweet boy!
Gotta love auto correct. Sigh….. Meant Dekoh and an excititing life. Funny how it left Halloweenie alone though