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Dekoh's amputation due to osteosarcoma journey

Walking The Audubon

I talked Dad into stopping at the Audubon area that is just south of the Chatfield Reservoir here in the Littleton CO area after my laser treatment. This place has always  been one of my favorite places to go walk and swim in the river, but this time I was not able to walk our normal path which is ok. I was able to walk the path around the upper area and it sure was nice to see the area again since it has been at least a couple of months since we had been there. When I seen Dad put on the blinker to turn in I go so excited. I so wanted to walk down by the river but it is a long walk and Dad said no, but I really really did enjoy just walking around. Man oh man I got to smell all kinds of things and just smell the clean air.

Me walking at the Audubon.

Me walking at the Audubon.

Taking a little rest in the shade.

Taking a little rest in the shade.


  1. benny55

    Your Dad takes such good care of you! He took you to a lovely place to enjoy “being dog”… enjoy just being Dekoh!!

    Looks like once that blinker on the car went on, you didn’t care if you were going swimming or not… were just glad to be doing some “normal” things at your “normal” places! You’ll be swimming before you know it!
    And btw, I love your banner…very beautiful!”


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too! I

    • Dekoh

      Thank you for all of your very kind words. I love hearing from you. I hope you have a great day.

  2. Mickey

    Hi Dekoh!
    Man oh man you got the life! Always on the go always haveing fun and sending us much positive energy!!

    My name is Jessie and tomorrow I start my journey. My mama wanted me to thank you for being an inspiration to us both!

    You Rock!

    • Dekoh


      Hey, this is Dekoh. Thanks for the great words of inspiration. I am happy I am able to inspire you folks and I want to say good luck on your journey as it starts today I believe. I know you will do great and take it easy the first two weeks as that is your healing time. Sit back, relax and let your Mom take great care of you. If you have any questions about harnesses, beds or other stuff around the house let me know and I will get Dad to provide you what info you need.

      Today is my ampuversary and I am at 5 weeks officially today. I am still working on my walking but Dad continues to be very patient and is there by my side the whole time.

      Good luck today and our thoughts/prayers are going your way.

      Dekoh (and Dad-Larry)

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