Well folks I had my two week vet visit yesterday, Friday 7/8/16, to get my staples removed from my stump. The first couple of staples pinched a little and stung a little bit but my Dad was by my side so I was ok since I knew I had my support. They removed 47 staples and the scar looks fabulous !!!
Then I met with my oncologist to get my first chemo session behind me. This was no problem, except they had to place an IV stint in my leg which is required so I can deal with that. The chemo drip went really fast and then they let me loose, WAHOOO !!! I did not have to stay !!!! I got to go HOME !!!!!

This is me chillin before they took out those pesky staples. Ahhh nice.

Get those damn staples out,,, thank you so much.

Me and Dad goofing off before the first chemo session.

Well here I am getting my first chemo session. Ah relaxation time.
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