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Dekoh's Drei Destination

Dekoh's amputation due to osteosarcoma journey

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Full Morning Neighborhood Walk

I gave my Dad a big surprise this morning.

I decided that I felt good enough in my wheelchair to almost walk what we used to walk for our daily morning walks before my amputation. This was the longest I have walked thus far after my amp and it sure felt good to stretch the ole legs. When I looked down the sidewalk my Dad asked if I felt like walking that far and I gave him the look of confidence so away we went.

This walk was about 3/4 of a mile long through the neighborhood and the weather was nice with low temps to make it much easier to walk. As we continued to walk Dad kept asking and watching me to see if we needed to turn around but I just kept going,

I love my wheelchair !!

As we kept walking several folks in the neighborhood came out to see me since they had not seen me in 4 months and were concerned. They were sooooo happy to see me out in the hood again and it made me happy too. I know Dad was happy cause I could see tears of happiness streaming down his cheeks, I know he was happy since he kept giving me hugs and words of encouragement all along the way.

I will get my stretches tonight and a great massage to help me keep this up so I look forward to time with Dad for my stretches.

Lovin Life !!!

Chemo treatment #4

i had a very busy morning today at the vet. Today was my 3 month chest X-ray checkup and I passed with flying colors, YEA ME no spots!!!

The next thing was to have my front paws and elbows lasered with a cold laser. This is always great since it makes my front legs feel great and I’m able to get around easier.

The last thing was my fourth chemo treatment, which includes my blood work to make sure my WBC count is good and yep I had great results. So treatment number four is in my rear view mirror and I’m home chillin like a cucumber.

Relaxing time

Relaxing time

Getting prepped for my treatment

Getting prepped for my treatment

Dr. Glawe is giving me my treatment

Dr. Glawe is giving me my treatment

Mom and Dad stopped at the Audubon for a treat for me. Yea !!!

Mom and Dad stopped at the Audubon for a treat for me. Yea !!!

Playin Tug O War

I was with Mom and Dad at the park the other day lounging around taking it easy. Then Dad decided he wanted to play a little Tug O War with me, little did he know I was going to win the war no matter. The main thing was that we were having fun and Lovin Life.

Leisure Walk In The Woods

I got the fortunate experience of finding a new trail that I can take with my wheelchair and enjoy the shade of the trees as well as I am able to walk by the lake. This was such a cool place to enjoy. I even get to take my time to sniff as much as I can, which I do.

Lovin Life.



Trying My New K9 Float Jacket

I know folks are probably getting tired of seeing me swim but I LOVE TO SWIM !!!

Dad got me a new K9 float jacket so that I have one of my own when we are able to start going to the lake for swimming. I love my new K9 float jacket as it helps me swim and enjoy the water.

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