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Dekoh's Drei Destination

Dekoh's amputation due to osteosarcoma journey

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I Got To Go SWIMMING !!! Wahoo !!

Well I got a huge surprise this past Sunday afternoon ! I GOT TO GO SWIMMMING !!

This is the first time in about three months since I have been swimming at the CRCG (Canine Rehabilitation Conditioning Group) indoor pool. I have to say a huge thank you to Mom and Dad for taking me to the pool for some swimming time. I used to go swimming pretty much every Saturday as part of my weekend and I really missed it. The video I am including is a short video that Dad is able to post but he is also working on another video but has to do something to it.  All I know is that another video will be added in a couple of days. Lovin Life !


5 Week Ampuversary and Chemo Treatment #2

Well I am official on my 5 week ampuversary as of yesterday and today I had my 2nd chemo treatment. I have to say that I am very pleased with my progress and how things are going for me. I AM LOVING LIFE !!!!

The second chemo treatment went very well with no issues. The really big item news for me today was that my white blood count was back to the level it was before my first chemo treatment, YEA ME !! The rest of the blood work for the CBC came back with flying colors so I must be doing something right :>)

I was told that I can go to CRCG and swim in the pool as well start my rehab work. I can’t wait to get into the pool, that is going to be sooooo awesome to be able to swim again and just chill out at the pool, so Dad is working to get some time setup for private pool swimming as well to get me started on some rehab exercises.

Dad and I before my chemo treatment

Dad and I before my chemo treatment

Dr. Glawe preparing me for my treatment.

Dr. Glawe preparing me for my treatment.

Getting my chemo. I do not look as bad as it looks with the muzzle. Had to have it to be safe today.

Getting my chemo. I do not look as bad as it looks with the muzzle. Had to have it to be safe today.

Peak A Boo

I went to the park with Dad the other day and was having fun playing Peak-A-Boo with him. I finally said hey I can see you and gave him a raspberry to enjoy.

Dekoh playing Peak-A-Boo with Dad

Dekoh playing Peak-A-Boo with Dad

Paper Delivery Surprise

This morning Dekoh gave me a nice surprise.

Dekoh has been going out to the driveway everyday to get the paper since he was about 9 months to a year old. After his amputation he still wanted to get the paper but he would not go all the way so I would get the paper for him then he would carry it in. This morning Dekoh went all the way !!!!!! This is a huge for Dekoh in my mind but to him it’s just another day.

I love my Dekoh boy for being Dekoh !!!Smiling face with heart-shaped eyesPaw prints


Good Day Indeed

I wanted to share a good day I had yesterday and my days continue to get better each day, YEA !!! I am finding that I am able to walk a little further each day as well I am noticing it is getting easier to walk so I guess my body is adapting to this big change that has occurred to me.

Me being lazy for a mid morning hug from Dad.

Me being lazy for a mid morning hug from Dad.

Enjoying a nice slow morning walk.

Enjoying a nice slow morning walk.

I am taking it nice and easy by taking a rest break. I really enjoyed watching people.

I am taking it nice and easy by taking a rest break. I really enjoyed watching people.

Mom had a great idea to capture me in slow mo video catching my toy. So I took the easy road and laid there while Mom through me the toy, gotta luv life !!


I am getting a little snuggle time with Dad after the great day.

I am getting a little snuggle time with Dad after the great day.

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